Scatterplots vs. Heatmaps: Tailoring Visualizations to Your Data

2 min readNov 9, 2023

The choice between a scatterplot and a heatmap for visualizing the relationships between two variables depends on the nature of the data and the goals of your analysis. Here’s when to prefer one over the other:

I. Use a Scatterplot When:

  1. Two Continuous Variables: Scatterplots are ideal for visualizing the relationship between two continuous (numeric) variables. Each point on the plot represents a data point with two numerical values.
  2. Correlation and Patterns: If you want to assess the correlation, association, or patterns between the two variables, a scatterplot provides a clear view of how they relate. You can easily see if there’s a linear or non-linear relationship, the direction of the relationship, and the presence of outliers.
  3. Individual Data Points: Scatterplots allow you to see individual data points, making them suitable for examining specific data instances, identifying clusters, or pinpointing outliers.
  4. Simple Visualization: When you need a straightforward and intuitive visualization, a scatterplot provides a direct representation of the data without aggregating or summarizing information.
  5. Identifying Trends: Scatterplots make it easier to identify trends, such as increasing or…




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