Member-only story
A/B testing: A way to compare two versions of something to find out which version performs better
Absolute values: (Refer to observed values)
Accuracy: Refers to the proportion of data points that were correctly categorized
Action: A Tableau tool to help an audience interact with a visualization or dashboard by allowing control of selection
Active listening: Refers to allowing team members, bosses, and other collaborative stakeholders to share their own points of view before offering responses
AdaBoost: (Refer to adaptive boosting)
Adaptive boosting: A boosting methodology where each consecutive base learner assigns greater weight to the observations incorrectly predicted by the preceding learner Addition rule (for mutually exclusive events): The concept that if the events A and B are mutually exclusive, then the probability of A or B happening is the sum of the probabilities of A and B
Adjusted R²: A variation of R² that accounts for having multiple independent variables present in a linear regression model
Affinity: The metric used to calculate the distance between points/clusters